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Some Rules Using Web Site

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      Customers should treat all users, staff, and other visitors with respect and courtesy in all interactions.

    ●No Harassment or Discrimination
      Users should refrain from engaging in any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or any other protected characteristic.

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      Avoid the use of offensive language, profanity, or hate speech in comments, messages, or forum posts.

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      Encourage customers to protect their own privacy and data and to respect the privacy of others. This includes not sharing personal information, such as addresses or phone numbers, without consent.

    ●Respect Terms of Service
      Ensure that customers agree to and follow your website's terms of service and policies. Terms & Conditions

    ●Moderation Policies
      Make it clear that you have the right to moderate content, remove inappropriate material, and suspend or ban users who violate the rules.

    ●Account Verification
      Encourage users to verify their email addresses or phone numbers to enhance security and prevent fraudulent activity.

    ●Report Abuse
      Provide a clear process for users to report any violations of the website's rules and policies.

    ●No Spam or Advertising
      Discourage users from spamming, posting unsolicited advertisements, or promoting unrelated products or services.

    ●User Responsibility for Content
      Inform users that they are responsible for the content they post, and they may be legally liable for any violations of the law.

Thank You

©2023 designed by Maheesha Udalagama